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The virtual pathway will offer a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous learning.


Students are learning remotely at home but will have access to 916 Eagle Avenue for support with technology.

 For the 2023-2024 school year, we  offer: 

  • Daily synchronous attendance and advisory

  • Daily synchronous humanities and STEM sessions

  • Bi-weekly synchronous sessions for social studies, science, foreign language instruction, health, art/music, and elective courses 

  • Weekly synchronous lab time for students

  • Synchronous Physical Education classes on an alternate-day schedule 

  • Asynchronous coursework via APEX 

  • Advanced Placement and Dual College Credit 

  • Real-world applications via internships

Schedule and Special Education and ENL Support

  • Up to five and a half hours of instruction/ academic study will occur daily with additional time for small breaks and lunch. 

  • Each class meets two or three times per week. The majority of instruction is interactive videoconferencing with live teachers.

  • Students can choose from a varied selection of online elective online courses over time based upon student interest. 

  • We have 4 special education teachers, 2 SETTS providers, and 2 school counselors on staff to ensure access to IEP modifications and counseling services. We also have an ENL teacher for students learning English as a new language.

Competency Assessment

    • In order to support students' ability to access and track their learning to set them up for success in the ASWoW Virtual learning community , we will be implementing this grading policy for the school year 2022-2023.  This policy is subject to change.

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    • The goals of this policy are as follows:

    • To promote meaningful learning partnerships between staff and students through competency-based assessment and feedback cycles.

    • To develop independent learners through reinforcement of habits of self-directed learning and professionalism.

    • To ensure that students are rewarded for their productive efforts, but not penalized for the challenges that come with remote learning.

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    • To view our complete Grading Policy please click here

Design Thinking and Project Based Learning

A & B Day Schedules

Competency assessment rubric ratings are converted to a 100-point scale for report cards.

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